Que mettre sur la peau quand on a tout essayé?

What to put on your skin when you've tried everything?

More and more often, I am faced with clients who contact me for consultations to show me their troubled skin. Emails asking for help to achieve beautiful skin also flood my inbox.

And the solution to this problem is much simpler than you might think, and it even saves you money!

It's crucial to remember that paying more doesn't necessarily mean more effectiveness!

Indeed, many high-end cosmetic products may contain aggressive synthetic ingredients that can harm the skin's health in the long run.

Opting for natural and skin-friendly solutions can often be more beneficial in the long term.

My motto: "Less is more"! Fewer ingredients and fewer products for more effectiveness.

The causes of these skin problems are multiple:

  • The increasing use of synthetic cosmetics can lead to a deterioration of skin health. These products often contain aggressive and irritating ingredients, such as sulfates, parabens, fragrances, and silicones, which can disrupt the skin's natural balance and lead to undesirable reactions such as redness, irritations, and breakouts. In contrast, natural and organic products are formulated with gentle and skin-friendly ingredients that nourish and protect the skin barrier with minimal risk of irritation or adverse effects. (zero risk does not exist).
  • Poor diet, stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle also have a significant impact on skin health. An unbalanced diet, rich in processed foods, refined sugars, and saturated fats, can contribute to inflammation and toxin buildup in the body, often resulting in skin problems such as acne, eczema, and skin allergies. Additionally, chronic stress can disrupt the hormonal and immune functions of the skin, leading to increased sebum production and acne breakouts.
  • Today, in our instant gratification-oriented society, we are often inclined to seek quick solutions to our skin problems. However, it's important to remember that skin health is the result of a delicate balance between external and internal factors, and a holistic approach is often necessary to achieve lasting results.
  • Skin problems often start in adolescence, and we quickly seek miracle solutions to suddenly treat the appearance of pimples. Our first instinct is to go to the cosmetic aisle and buy a multitude of products, hoping that this will solve the problem.
    However, this approach creates a vicious cycle: the more we dry out our skin, the more it produces sebum to compensate, thus clogging pores and leading to new breakouts. This accumulation of cosmetic products creates clutter in our drawers, often with half-used products, in the hope of finding THE solution. This process repeats throughout our lives, with each new miracle product supposed to treat wrinkles, adult acne, cellulite, etc. It's time to realize that a change of direction is necessary to regain healthy and beautiful skin.

So, what to do when our skin isn't doing well?

  • Accept that going natural is a total process. Use the products you already have, but question the relevance of continuing to apply treatments that harm your skin.
  • Be patient. The skin takes 28 days to renew itself, and sometimes when going natural, there is a rebound effect (the skin gets worse before getting better). It's also a new rhythm to adopt for your skin; it needs to relearn how to function.
  • Persist. Results may be slow to come, but by providing your skin with what it needs, you promote its balance and health.
  • Consider your diet and physical and mental well-being. The skin reflects our overall state, and adjustments may be necessary to improve its appearance.
  • Inform yourself and trust yourself. Learn to decipher the labels of cosmetic products and prioritise natural and organic ingredients.
  • Listen to your skin!

At éméo, we offer a range of skincare tailored to all skin types, simple, effective, free from harmful ingredients, and environmentally friendly. Feel free to ask us your questions; we are here to accompany you in your journey towards healthy and radiant skin.

By becoming aware of your skin's true needs and adopting a holistic approach to skincare, you can regain vibrant and healthy skin without resorting to aggressive chemicals or invasive treatments.

By investing in natural and environmentally friendly skincare, you take care of your skin and the planet.

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